Wednesday, May 11, 2011

French Toast

A few weeks ago Dan Hoyt and myself played our first Great War game. Because right now, neither of us actually have enough figures to play on the full eight boards, we set up two and hashed out a basic scenario. German trench raiders had taken over an allied observation post and British and French units moved to retake it. Two sections of Germans with a flame thrower team stood against a section of French, two sections of British and a Lewis gun team. And without further fluff and filler, the pictures:

The Canadian and French in all of their glory

Smaller in number, German stormtroopers are destructive in close quarters

The two boards with added tank carnage for fun

The first section of Stormtroopers rush into position

The deadly flamethrower team takes position

The Canadians, arriving after the French, take position in the second line of trenches

In a daring move, the second section of stormtroopers leave their trench to assault the waiting French. Unfortunately, a Canadian squad was within range and came to help their cheese eating allies. The close quarters combat ended with the total loss of the storm trooper section and a couple of French casualties.

The euphoric victory in hand-to-hand combat was short lived as the flamethrower appeared from around the burning Whippet tank.

The flamethrower proceeded to have a devastating effect upon the French rifle section, killing all but it heroic Sergeant.

In a last hurrah before being shot, the Sergeant adopted a "Come at me bro" stance.

The flamethrower team also had a short lifespan, as the Canadian rifle section "lit" them up.

The game ended with only a single German storm trooper section remaining and its commander while the Canadians still had two rifle sections, its Lewis gun and a platoon command.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Double ... trouble

During the school year, I had very little time to actually sit down and paint models, thankfully, now that I'm done and have about 2 weeks of absolutely nothing at all to do, paint paint paint! Another rifle section of Great War French are ready to hit the table. Both sections are missing an infantryman equipped with a rifle grenade, which will be added when ever I get around to ordering some more figures. I'm rather happy with how they have turned out.

Première Section de Fusil under the command of Sergeant Chagnon.

Deuxième Lieutenant Gendron, the fearless leader of the Demi-Section A.

Deuxième Section de Fusil under the leadership of Sergeant Robin

Monday, May 2, 2011

More Ships for The One

Having no exams for five days strait allowed me to work quite a bit on my wargaming projects. I still have 18 or so more ships to do, but overall, the project has been advancing at a blistering pace, considering I started working on all of this less then three weeks ago and had to contend with six of the most difficult exams university can throw at you.